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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

BETA Latin-English translation for: [something in the shape of a cap on a building]
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Dictionary Latin English: [something in the shape of a cap on a building]

Translation 1 - 50 of 125  >>

petasus {m}[something in the shape of a cap on a building]
Partial Matches
baca {f}[link of a chain in the shape of a berry]
bacca {f}[link of a chain in the shape of a berry]
Dalmatae {m.pl}Dalmatians [a people on the East coast of the Adriatic]
Bibrax {n}[Bibrax, a town of the Remi in central Gaul]
ablaqueare [1][to turn up the earth round a tree, in order to form a trench for water]
Daci {m.pl}Dacians [a people on the lower Danube]
Caunus {f}[ancient town on the coast of Caria]
senio {m}six [on a die]
ablegare [1]to send away [on a mission]
ablegare [1]to send off [on a mission]
Sum quod eris.I am what you will be. [motto on a gravestone]
numellatus {adj}shackled [with a numella around the neck]
crimen {n}cause [of a crime]
herb. pollex {m}knob [of a tree]
herb. pollex {m}protuberance [of a tree]
mach. coclea {f}screw [of a press]
herb. pollex {m}stump [of a vine branch]
consularis {m}[legate sent by the emperor as governor into a province]
lamina {f}blade [of a knife, sword, saw]
lamna {f}blade [of a knife, sword, saw]
vest. instita {f}border [of a dress or tunic]
vest. instita {f}flounce [of a dress or tunic]
confirmatio {f}quieting [of a wavering, fearful mind]
vest. instita {f}train [of a dress or tunic]
Dacia {f}[the country of the Daci]
lustrum {n}lustrum [a period of five years]
Cavendo tutus.Safe by caution. [Motto of the house of Cavendish]
sinistra {adv}left [to / on the left]
matertera {f}aunt [on the maternal side]
agnatio {f}consanguinity [on the father's side]
anim. haedilia {f}kid [of the goat]
ling. littera {f}letter [of the alphabet]
anat. palpebra {f}lid [of the eye]
geogr. Lesbos {f}[island in the Aegean Sea]
geogr. Lesbus {f}[island in the Aegean Sea]
crimen {n}accusation [in respect to the accuser]
crimen {n}calumny [in respect to the accuser]
crimen {n}charge [in respect to the accuser]
crimen {n}crime [in respect to the accused]
crimen {n}fault [in respect to the accused]
crimen {n}misdeed [in respect to the accused]
crimen {n}reproach [in respect to the accuser]
crimen {n}slander [in respect to the accuser]
crimen {n}offence [Br.] [in respect to the accused]
crimen {n}offense [Am.] [in respect to the accused]
Unverified quanto ... tantothe ... the [e.g. the bigger the better]
hist. confarreatio {f}confarreation [ancient solemn manner of marrying among the Romans]
conversio {f}repetition of the same word at the end of a clause
Narcissus {m}Narcissus [son of Cephisus and the nymph Liriope]
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