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Dictionary Latin English: for

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

nam {conj}for
pro {prep} [+abl.]for
2 Words: Others
conventicius {adj}for attendance
sarcinarius {adj}for baggage
in aeternum {adv}for ever
exempli gratia {adv} <e.g.>for example <e.g.>
occatorius {adj}for harrowing
frustra {adv}for nothing
sellariolus {adj}for sitting
oenol. vinarius {adj}for wine
2 Words: Verbs
poscere [3]to call for
desiderare [1]to long for
habiturire [4]to long for
pallere [2]to long for
respicere [3]to look for
petere [3]to look for [search, seek]
quaerere [3]to look for [search, seek]
desiderare [1]to wish for
3 Words: Others
in perpetuum {adv}for all time
extaris {adj}for cooking entrails
quamobrem {adv}for what reason
quamobrem {adv}for which cause
panchrestus {adj}good for everything
medicatus {adj}good for healing
compensativus {adj}serving for compensating
compensativus {adj}serving for compensation
panchrestus {adj}useful for everything
medicatus {adj}useful for healing
3 Words: Verbs
compensare [1]to make up for
3 Words: Nouns
camus {m}bit for horses
acerra {f}box for incense
acerra {f}casket for incense
camus {m}collar for neck
appetitio {f}desire for food
exsultatio {f}leaping for joy
camus {m}muzzle for horses
actus {m}passage for cattle
mulier {f} quaestuariaprostitute for hire
culleus {m}sack for liquids
tuba {f}signal for war
arch. relig. baptisterium {n}vessel for bathing
4 Words: Others
viripotens {adj}fit for a husband
paulisper {adv}for a little while
paulisper {adv}for a short time
quinto {adv}for the fifth time
quintum {adv}for the fifth time
sextum {adv}for the sixth time
tertio {adv}for the third time
duodecimo {adv}for the twelfth time
4 Words: Verbs
inclamare [1]to call upon (for assistance)
aberrare [1]to forget for a time
respicere [3]to have a care for
aucupari [1]to lay a trap for
aucupari [1]to lie in wait for
4 Words: Nouns
instr. fractaria {f}machine for crushing flintstones
5+ Words: Others
Unverified naumachiarius {adj}for a mock sea-fight
bustuarius {adj}of a place for burning the dead
desiderabilis {adj}that is to be wished for
antarius {adj}that serves for raising up
5+ Words: Verbs
tertiare [1]to do for the third time
hiemare [1]to take up quarters for the winter
5+ Words: Nouns
funes {m.pl} antariicables for raising a scaffold [or stage, mast, etc.]
biclinium {n}dining couch for two persons
lex {f}formal proposition for a law
sacciperium {n}pocket for carrying a purse
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