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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

BETA Latin-English translation for: of brothers and sisters
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of brothers and sisters in other languages:

English - Latin
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Dictionary Latin English: of brothers and sisters

Translation 1 - 50 of 672  >>

germanus {adj}of brothers and sisters
Partial Matches
germanus {adj}belonging to brothers and sisters
sesquipedalis {adj}of a foot and a half
Sane sapio et sentio.I am in full possession of my reason and senses.
et {conj}and
radicitus {adv}completely and utterly
late {adv}far and wide
sesquipedaneus {adj}foot and a half long
semifer {adj}half man and half beast
relig. Unverified cor unum et anima unaOne heart and one soul
litt. F Falx aureaAsterix and the Golden Sickle
-que {conj}and [when used as an enclitic]
F Navis actuaria ObeligisAsterix and Obelix All at Sea
palmipedalis {adj}a foot and a palm in breadth
palmipedalis {adj}a foot and a palm in height
sesquipedalis {adj}one foot and a half in breadth
sesquipedalis {adj}one foot and a half in diameter
sesquipedalis {adj}one foot and a half in length
ius Non sub homine, sed sub Deo et legeNot under man, but under God and the law
F Harrius Potter et Philosophi LapisHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone [Br.] [J. K. Rowling]
Unverified Omnes homines sunt asini vel homines et asini sunt asini.All men are donkeys or men and donkeys are donkeys.
de {prep}of
ex {prep}of
vacuus {adj}devoid of
vacuus {adj}free of
pro {prep} [+abl.]instead of
Abantius {adj}of Abantia
Abaritanus {adj}of Abaris
Abanteus {adj}of Abas
adamanteus {adj}of adamant
Aprilis {adj}of April
arbitrarius {adj}of arbitration
Arpinus {adj}of Arpi
Arpinas {adj}of Arpinum
Arpinus {adj}of Arpinum
conventicius {adj}of assembling
Sextilis {adj}of August
Augustus {adj}of Augustus
autumnalis {adj}of autumn
sarcinarius {adj}of baggage
bestiarius {adj}of beasts
sponsalis {adj}of betrothal
genetivus {adj}of birth
bitumineus {adj}of bitumen
textorius {adj}of braiding
pransorius {adj}of breakfast
virgeus {adj}of brushwood
sarcinarius {adj}of burdens
semitarius {adj}of byways
vocativus {adj}of calling
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