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BETA Latin-English translation for: on the contrary
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Dictionary Latin English: on the contrary

Translation 1 - 50 of 299  >>

SYNO   contrarily | contrariwise ... 
rursus {adv}on the contrary
Partial Matches
obiter {adv}on the way
arbitrarius {adj}depending on the will
rursus {adv}on the other hand
cortinipotens {adj}powerful on the tripod
colaphus {m}box on the ear
perendie {adv}(on) the day after tomorrow
cornifrons {adj}with horns on the forehead
cisalpinus {adj}(lying) on this side of the Alps
anat. geniculum {n}joint on the stalk of a plant
anat. geniculum {n}knot on the stalk of a plant
vicennalia {n.pl}festival on the twentieth anniversary of an emperor's reign
de {prep}on
adventare [1]to come on
accommodare [1]to hang on
adcommodare [1]to hang on
accommodare [1]to lay on
adcommodare [1]to lay on
accommodare [1]to put on
adcommodare [1]to put on
accubare [1]to recline on
deductio {f}leading on
adclinare [1]to rest on sth.
Vita procedit.Life goes on.
quam ob rem {adv}on that account
Unverified prohinc {adv}on this account
quamobrem {adv}on what account
quamobrem {adv}on which account
mil. bellare [1]to carry on war
mil. belligerare [1]to carry on war
militare [1]to carry on war
abiurare [1]to deny on oath
acclinare [1]to lean on something
adclinare [1]to lean on something
acclinare [1]to rest on something
quam ob rem {adv}on account of which
ablocare [1]to let out on hire
ulcus tangere [3]to touch on a delicate subject
Abi prae, jam ego sequar.Go on, I will soon follow.
obaeratus {adj}in bondage on account of debt
cit. Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. [Virgil]Perhaps someday we will look back on these things with joy.
med. vermina {n}the gripes
litt. cancer {m} [fig.]the South
ad sinistram {adv}to the left
ad dextramto the right
litt. cancer {n}the South [Ovid]
usque {adv}all the way
intermuralis {adj}between the walls
Cave canem!Beware the dog!
exlex {adj}beyond the law
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