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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

BETA Latin-English translation for: pertaining to war
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pertaining to war in other languages:

English - Latin
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Dictionary Latin English: pertaining to war

Translation 1 - 50 of 306  >>

bellicus {adj}pertaining to war
Partial Matches
absolutorius {adj}pertaining to acquittal
Algidus {adj}pertaining to Algidum
Aprilis {adj}pertaining to April
Arpinas {adj}pertaining to Arpinum
bestiarius {adj}pertaining to beasts
Cauneus {adj}pertaining to Caunus
Caunius {adj}pertaining to Caunus
criminalis {adj}pertaining to crime
abietarius {adj}pertaining to deal
niger {adj}pertaining to death
cetarius {adj}pertaining to fish
aurarius {adj}pertaining to gold
medicus {adj}pertaining to healing
conventicius {adj}pertaining to intercourse
absolutorius {adj}pertaining to release
dent. dentalis {adj}pertaining to teeth
catenarius {adj}pertaining to a chain
consularis {adj}pertaining to a consul
cervinus {adj}pertaining to a deer
arboreus {adj}pertaining to a tree
maritatus {adj}pertaining to a wife
abbatialis {adj}pertaining to an abbey
rhet. enthymematicus {adj}pertaining to an enthymema
conventicius {adj}pertaining to coming together
abietarius {adj}pertaining to fir-wood
censorius {adj}pertaining to the censor
cothurnatus {adj}pertaining to the cothurnus
anatinus {adj}pertaining to the duck
furialis {adj}pertaining to the Furies
crinalis {adj}pertaining to the hair
dentarius {adj}pertaining to the teeth
abietinus {adj}pertaining to a fir tree
abbatialis {adj}pertaining to an abbot / abbess
boreus {adj}pertaining to the north wind
borius {adj}pertaining to the north wind
armentalis {adj}pertaining to a herd of cattle
caudicalis {adj}pertaining to the trunks of trees
caudiceus {adj}pertaining to the trunk of a tree
bustuarius {adj}pertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned
debellare [1]to bring a war to an end
Abderitanus {adj}pertaining the city of Abdera
Abydenus {adj}pertaining the town of Abydos
mil. bellare [1]to war
bellum {n}war
duellum {n}war
tuba {f}war
bellicus {adj}war [attr.]
bellicus {adj}of war
duellicus {adj}of war
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